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This Sapphire/Web Reference Manual is intended for use by programmers and analysts using Sapphire/Web on a daily basis for creating advanced Web products. It is assumed that the readers are familiar with designing and creating Web products using C and/or C++, and with the use of web servers and database products.
The documentation shipped with Sapphire/Web includes:
- Sapphire/Web Installation Guide
This provides information on how to install and configure your copy of Sapphire/Web. It also includes information required for you to set up the tutorials for use with the Getting Started book and an overview of security issues to consider before starting to create Web applications.
- Sapphire/Web Getting Started
This manual provides a number of tutorials aimed at getting you to the point at which you can begin to explore more advanced topics on your own.
- Sapphire/Web User's Guide
This manual includes more detailed information on the underlying principles governing the operation of Sapphire/Web and in-depth reviews of the various facets of Sapphire/Web.
- Using Client Objects
This book takes you into the realm of creating distributed applications for your Internet and Intranet, giving you principles and examples of using Java applets and ActiveX Controls.
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